Dear Readers, Before I explain further on CAPSIM, hope you have read the previous posts ( LINK1 , LINK2 ) on CAPSTONE. Remember the ground rules: Round 1 to 3 even if you make no profits its OK. But aim should be that from Round 4 you are steadily making NET and cumulative profits. The round where the market goes into recession could be changed so accordingly change your strategy The round where the labor goes on strike could change so always apply the round 7 details below for that specific round of yours. Always remember that long term loans are always cheaper to short term loans. Also this game is for 8 years only, while some loans will mature only after that. Always take loan and avoid emergency loan in any round. Never sell your shares too much into market. Never buy shares unless you have excess cash reserves. Any R&D and buying of plant capacity will take effect only at the end of the year !! If your R&D finished in August, then all pending units and future...
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